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Campaign wave 2 close-out report published

A.I.S.E. has published the Close-out report of wave 2 of the I prefer 30° campaign. Activities during Wave 2 took place in 2016-2017 in France and Belgium. The close-out report has several annexes with details on the online engagement via social media, the media coverage, and the face-to-face engagement with shoppers and the general public in capital cities, promoting low temperature washing. Although the activation period of this campaign is now officially over, this webportal remains a source of inspiration for all stakeholders: industry sponsors, partners and consumers, to remain focussed on long-term change to more sustainable washing habits, opting for lower temperature washing! Download the report

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This campaign is not currently active. A large number of companies and organisations endorsed the “I prefer 30°” message. In this section you will find the partners who spread the low temperature campaign message.  

Corporate Supporters